Book Review: Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change

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I like this particular book by Michael Arloski, a PCC level coach. If you are a Wellness Coach or interested in Wellness Coaching, this book is must for you. It offers concise knowledge about various wellness models and theories and how Wellness Coaching works.

You can order book by clicking on one of the Links below (Amazon india and

Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change (AMAZON INDIA)

Wellness Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change – Second Edition (AMAZON.COM USA)

It also covers various ICF core competencies and material for basic groundwork of coaching. There are many coaching tools covered in the book. The book is also filled with generous references to books by various authors in Wellness field.

The book also highlights real methodology of coaching to help you accompany your client through the entire process of change.

The book is well written and you might need to re-read it few times as your understanding grows. The more number of times you read, the more insights you will discover each time. I use it as a handy reference in my Coaching practice.