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for scheduling 1:1 HypnoX Session to address Sexual Problems

Hypnosis for non-organic male impotence, Bangalore, Sexual Performance, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature ejaculation

Hypnosis and NLP for Sexual Problems

Sexual problems is not a rare problem. As per studies, as high as 30-40% men suffer from some or other kind of sexual impotence, with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation being the most common ones. 

Sexual problems can be categorized into two categories based upon their cause:

  • Organic: Problem is due to physical organs or medical reasons
  • Non-Organic: Problems due to bad programming of mind

We would like to make it clear that organic issues reside in the domain of the medically trained professional. We do not deal with such issues.

How do we ascertain if someone has Non-Organic Male Impotence? If the person is having sexual problems, then the first step is to consult the specialist. There is no shame or harm in this. There are millions of people seeking medical help for sexual issues. Also, sometimes the problem is very small and most of the times by suitable medication the issue is resolved in a short span of time. Hence it is must to visit the medically trained specialist before visiting anyone else.

The specialist will conduct examination and some tests. After this, he will analyze the reports and let you know if the problem is organic or non-organic.

If the issue is due to physical/medical problem then it is termed organic issue. In that case, the treatment will be conducted by the medical professional.

However chances are that  professional may not see any physical/medical reason for the problem. In that case it is termed as non-organic issue. For example, Non-Organic Male Impotence is most common type of Male Impotence.

Same procedure applies to female issues. The first step is to determine that the problem is non-organic in nature.

To be able to work with us, you must determine that your problem is non-organic in nature.

Cause of Non-Organic Sexual Problems

All the time the root cause of non-organic sexual problems, is found to be the bad programming of the mind. The bad programming of the mind could be due to many reasons. For example:

  • Guilt associated with sex
  • Suppression of sexuality
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Anxious masturbation patterns from the past
  • Anxiety in communicating with opposite sex
  • Bad experiences from past relationships
  • Bad experiences from  first time sexual encounters

How can we help?

In our facility we work with a number of Non-Organic Male/Female sexual problems.

Using the techniques from Hypnosis and NLP we can effectively address the root cause of the problem. And then we can address the bad programming of the mind. All our sessions are confidential. The sessions are conducted in Whitefield, Bangalore. Prior-appointment is a must.